What Is Floating?

Floating is the ultimate in relaxation and healing. Let the external world float away and feel liberated with complete body and mind relaxation.

Benefits of Floating:

  • A time efficient, cost effective way to relieve stress, anxiety and fatigue
  • One hour of floating equals up to eight hours of deep sleep​
  • Reduces or eliminates pain from tight, sore or tired muscles
  • Speeds recovery and rehabilitation from injuries
  • Detoxifies the body, rejuvenates and exfoliates skin
  • Relieves sleep disorders and jet lag
  • Lowers blood pressure and increases circulation
  • Assists with breaking addictions and weight-loss
  • Wonderful, weightless rest during pregnancy
  • Improves physical stamina and mental clarity
  • Natural anti-depressant and pain relief
  • Transdermal absorption of Magnesium

What is floating?

Floating is the ultimate in relaxation and healing. Floatation Therapy is based on a revolutionary scientific approach to deep relaxation called Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique or REST.

Floatation REST restricts or eliminates all of the external stress-factors or stimuli that normally affects us every day. We are often not consciously aware of it but this can take up to 95 percent of our physical and mental energy.

Floating in complete darkness and silence liberates large areas of the brain devoted to processing sensory information, further increasing the depth of mental relaxation.

Floatation REST triggers a profound relaxation response that is totally natural and effortless. While floating the brain slows down into theta waves, the brain wave state of tranquility creativity and very deep relaxation. Theta is the brain state of REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis, the place of creative insights.

Theta is the twilight state just before sleeping and just after waking, the border between the conscious and the subconscious world, and by learning to use a conscious waking Theta brain wave we can access and influence the powerful subconscious part of ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our waking minds. While in the Theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing and personal growth.

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